grammar — Blog | Hollis Montessori School, NH


Materials Highlight: The Word Study Cabinet

Each month we highlight one of the amazing Montessori learning materials here on our blog. This week we take on a well-recognized  feature in any lower elementary environment: the word study cabinet.

Typically housed in a tower of tiny labeled drawers, groups of cards allow children to study an important area of language, and to do so independently.

The Presentations

Perhaps it is easiest to start by listing the skills covered by the word study materials:

  • Compound words

  • Prefixes

  • Suffixes

  • Homophones

  • Homonyms

  • Homographs

  • Synonyms

  • Antonyms

  • Contractions

  • Syllabication

One of the most important parts of word study happens before a child even touches a drawer of cards. A small group of children gather with a guide, usually on the floor around a work rug. The teacher often has any number of supplies that may include strips of paper and markers, a small chalkboard or dry erase board, prepared booklets, charts, and so on. What the teacher brings varies depending on the lesson - and there are many!

Many of the skills listed above require more than one lesson to be given to each child over time, as their understanding increases. Each of these lessons can look very different.

Here is one way the concept of contractions might be presented to a child:

Using the movable alphabet materials, the guide lays out the letters for a group of words, appearing as follows. (Note the red used to isolate the apostrophes.)

she is     she’s

can not     can’t

you have     you’ve

who would     who’d

will not     won’t

After reading through the words, which the children recognize from speaking, the guide defines the task of an apostrophe. The children are asked what else they notice, and they eagerly point out the missing letters.

The guide asks the children to take a deep breath, pointing out how the ribs expand and contract. They say that to contract means to become compressed, or smaller, and then they are able to tell the children that these types of words are called contractions.

Continued Work

Once the child has a basic understanding of the skill, they are asked to progress through the drawers independently. For example, after having received the above mentioned contraction lesson, the child begins with contraction drawer 1. This may not happen until the next day when the child is independently selecting materials during the work cycle.

The child takes the drawer out and lays out all the cards. They see before them a group of words much like the one the guide had laid out using the movable alphabet. The child gets to work matching, and the nature of the material ensures they match correctly, or else the final cards would not make sense.

The child records the words in their notebook, cleans up the cards, and puts everything away. The next time they’re ready for independent word study work, they move on to contractions drawer 2, and so on, until the guide recognizes the need for a new lesson or skill.


Sometimes, a child may progress through the drawers more quickly than expected, or they may have extra enthusiasm for the subject area. To provide more excitement and challenge, the guide will have a file of black line masters intended to give children more practice with the same skills, but using pencil and paper instead of the material.

Perhaps surprisingly, these are essentially worksheets! While it is rare to find a worksheet in a Montessori classroom, their novelty is just what is needed in some situations, and they can provide a nice transition for the lower elementary child who is moving away from the heavy reliance on physical materials.

Want to see the word study materials in action? Call us today to schedule a tour. The best way to learn about Montessori is to spend time in the classroom.

Miniature Environment and the Grammar Boxes

Montessori Miniature Farm

We love grammar! This probably doesn’t come as any surprise, considering we work at a school. In our humble opinion, Montessori grammar materials are so beautiful, and they do a great job of drawing kids in to learn about something many of us dreaded when we were kids ourselves.

It all begins in the final year of primary or the first year of lower elementary, with a sweet introduction to the miniature environment.

The Miniature Environment/Function of Words

Traditionally, the miniature environment consists of a replica barn, complete with tiny toy animal figures, although some Montessori schools today have strayed from the original farm and created other environments.

When we think of grammar and six-year-olds, the goal is to let them graze. We don’t expect mastery. We want to introduce concepts in a way that is light and fun and makes them want to engage.

This is where the farm animals come in.

Nouns are naming words, and six-year-olds are often still developing their reading skills. It’s so much fun for them to match labels to animals as they name cow, sheep, chicken, and even fence, barn, farmer. As time goes on, we introduce the concept of articles, and how their function is to introduce the noun. The cow, a sheep, an ox. Tiny paper labels lie alongside the figures as the child works. This progresses through all the parts of speech: adjectives, verbs, prepositions, adverbs, pronouns, conjunctions, and finally, interjections.

The Grammar Boxes

Of course, there’s more to grammar than adorable toy animals. In the second year of lower elementary, and extending into the third year, children use the grammar box materials. The grammar boxes consist of wooden boxes containing cards with words and phrases, sectioned trays to lay the cards in, and open-topped containers with larger index-sized cards.

We start with the latter, which are called command cards. As with the functions of words lessons, these progress through the different parts of speech. The command cards direct children to physically do specific things. “Throw the eraser out the door” is a crowd favorite. This is one exciting way Montessori turns language work into something more hands on and participatory.

Once they’ve worked their way through the command cards, children engage with the filling boxes, recreating phrases and sentences and identifying the various parts of speech.

At some point, the children learn the corresponding symbols for each part of speech (some are seen above in the picture), and they become able to write sentences in their notebooks and draw the correct labels above each word.

The grammar boxes are typically completed sometime during the final year of lower elementary, although upper elementary teachers may choose to use the material for review purposes.

Sentence Analysis

Montessori Sentence Analysis

Montessori sentence analysis is not the same as the sentence diagramming some of us did when we were younger, but it is based on some of the same concepts.

At this point in a child's Montessori career, they are beginning to move toward what we call abstraction. That is, they are beginning to internalize concepts in a way that doesn’t require them to use hand-held manipulatives or materials nearly as often. This is obvious in that the sentence analysis materials are still moveable, but there’s a lot less to interact with. A series of wood circles and arrows, they help the child learn concepts like subjects and predicates.

Eventually, sometime in upper elementary, children explore all kinds of sentence analysis concepts, like indirect objects and adverbial extensions.


Want to learn more about the Montessori language curriculum and materials? Keep an eye on our blog as we highlight more throughout the school year.

Montessori Basics: The Language Curriculum


Have you ever wondered how Montessori guides teach children about language?  Parents are often astounded when they observe children learning to read at a young age in our schools.  What’s the secret?

There’s no secret - we’re happy to share our methods!  Read on to learn more about our approach, how we align our teaching with a child’s natural development, and what the progression looks like as children get older.

Early Language Activities

Children’s language development begins long before they enter the classroom.  Dr. Montessori asserted that children from birth to age 6 were in the age of the absorbent mind.  During this time they are able to learn language simply by living around others who are using language.  Montessori classrooms incorporate both spoken and written language into the environment to further enrich this early learning.

In our primary classrooms we teach children songs and poems so that they may hear and experience language in a fun and playful way that appeals to them.  We encourage parents to do the same!  Share poems from your childhood with your children and discover new ones together.  Sing your favorite songs from when you were little, or enjoy kid-friendly tunes from musicians such as Raffi or Tom Chapin.

Montessori guides introduce children to as much vocabulary as possible in their early years.  This may start with naming objects around the classroom, but will also expand toward specialized nomenclature.  Children learn the names of the continents, plant and animal names, and specific terms that apply to areas of interest.  These vocabulary words are spoken and shown in written form. 


As you may have guessed, writing starts earlier in Montessori classrooms than in many other settings.  Consider the goal of writing: to visually communicate one’s ideas with others using standardized symbols.  This is actually separate from the ability to hold a pencil and form strings of letters, words, and sentences on a piece of paper.

Once a child has a basic understanding of most of the letter sounds, they begin to use a material called the moveable alphabet.  Exactly what it sounds like, the moveable alphabet is a box containing sorted wooden letters.  Children lay the letters out to write words, and eventually sentences.  At this stage we do not expect children to conform to conventional spelling, but rather we allow what is often referred to as inventive spelling.  “I love my mom” may look like “I luv mi mom”.

Montessori classrooms use many materials to help children strengthen their finger muscles in preparation for the physical act of handwriting beginning at age 3, or arguably even earlier.  Our experience has taught us that children are ready to express themselves in writing before they are ready to start writing in the traditional sense.  That pencil-to-paper writing usually starts in kindergarten, though it varies with individual children.


One beautiful material that you have likely seen is called the sandpaper letters.  The letters are used to teach both reading and writing.  

It’s important to note that when Montessori guides begin teaching children about letters, our focus is on the sounds the letters make and not so much their names.  This means we do not teach the alphabet song, because knowing the names of letters isn’t really helpful in learning how to read.  That’s not to say there is no value in such learning; it will certainly come in handy when learning to alphabetize, or when talking about letters when they are a bit older.  We just want parents to know that if you want to continue the work we do in our classrooms, consider using a letter’s most commonly used sound when referring to it.  

An example: when a Montessori child learns to spell cat, they will say, “k-ah-t” rather than “see-ay-tee”.

Object boxes are used to help children learn to read as well.  A box labeled with the letter p may contain tiny toy versions of a pig, pot, pin, etc.  Eventually, children are able to match the objects with label cards.

Much of our reading work is done while teaching children other subjects.  For example, if they are learning about mammals, they will read lots of text at their level about mammals.  

There are also special series of books used by many Montessorians, including Miss Rhonda’s Readers (created by a Montessori guide) and Bob Books.  Guides typically prefer that families not use these same books at home.  Young children are often able to memorize text, and if they have been exposed to the same books at home and school, it can be difficult for guides to have an accurate observation of the child’s true decoding skills.  Check with your child’s guide if you’re curious or would like some advice on what books to read at home.

Card materials are also used as children progress, allowing guides to help children isolate specific sounds and blends.  One series of cards/lessons may focus on the various ways to make a long a sound.  One color of cards displays words containing ai, another will contain ay, and yet another will teach children about words with the silent e.

Word Study

This area of study includes a wide variety of skills and begins once a child has begun to read; some of the earlier lessons are given during the final (kindergarten) year of primary, but many are given during the first two years of lower elementary.  The guide will give the child a lesson teaching the skill.  In the days and weeks following, children practice the skill independently using special card materials.  The skills include:

  • Classification

  • Alphabetizing

  • Compound words

  • Synonyms

  • Antonyms

  • Prefixes

  • Suffixes


Grammar is taught early and in what we call a spiraling curriculum; that is, we circle back on the same content as the child gets older, building on previous knowledge and giving more depth to their understanding.  Parts of speech are taught in a very specific order, and each one has a corresponding symbol that children use in many activities.

Beginning in the final year of primary, children typically learn about nouns, articles, and verbs, as well as their corresponding symbols.  This helps them to understand the core parts of our sentences and gives them an introduction to grammar in a way that appeals to them. 

Sometime during that final year in primary or the first year of lower elementary, children are introduced to grammar through what we call the function of words.  Traditionally, a model of a farm, complete with animals, is used to guide children through the process.  Again, they begin by learning that nouns are naming words, and they name each animal and feature of the farm.  They then go on to learn the corresponding articles, followed by all other parts of speech, including adjectives, verbs, adverbs, pronouns, conjunctions, prepositions, and interjections.

Once a child has learned the functions of words, they will move on to the Montessori grammar command cards.  Knowing that children learn by doing, these cards give children specific directions to physically follow so that they may experience the words for themselves.  

Another classic Montessori activity involves the use of colored wooden grammar boxes.  Children use cards to recreate sentences, word by word, and sort the words by various parts of speech.

There are many extensions to grammar work that Montessori children enjoy.  Some will write their own sentences and use colored pencils to label each word with its corresponding grammar symbol.  Others enjoy using grammar strips: a material that shows a series of grammar symbols which students must use a guide to write a sentence with that particular pattern.

Sentence Analysis

Going beyond grammar, elementary-aged children learn to analyze sentences.  This begins simply with subjects, verbs, direct, and indirect objects.  As children get older and have a better grasp on language, the work extends considerably.

Children in upper elementary classes learn about complex sentence structures.  This includes structures like predicate adjectives and nominatives, attributive adjectives, various types of phrases and clauses, and many more.

For seasoned Montessori parents: did you learn anything new from this article?  New families: what do you find the most interesting, or what do you still have questions about?  As always, we believe in the power of observation, and we invite you all to schedule a time to sit and observe in one of our classrooms.